Friday, February 17, 2012

I am so over every version of this weird petal-y skirt. Who does it look good on??

No one, is the answer to that question.

It looks good on NO ONE.

Watters Fall 2011 via GinnyBranch Stelling via Martha Stewart Weddings

For the record, I think Quail Bridal was the first one to make the weird petal-y skirt back in 2010?

Sidebar: I think my blogging has been suffering since I quit drinking coffee. I had a cup this afternoon and I feel terrific. Maybe a teence headachey, but TERRIFIC.


  1. for a wedding dress, agree. with a cute chambrey shirt for a fancy-pants night out, why the hell not?

  2. Petal skirts = barf that froze mid-air.

  3. Haha! I love you.
    I say the same thing every time I see fake mustaches.

  4. Pretty bad. Kind of looks fungusy (fungi-like).

    I was watching an episode of Four Weddings the other day* and some chick's dress had horrible pick-ups all over it and one of the other brides said something like "I call those 'comforter dress' because they look like a wadded up bedspread." It was pretty funny.

    *I love this show because I love to hate on stuff. It's so fun to watch and make fun of everything and everyone. My favorite is when brides talk about each other's dresses. They are always so so wrong. It's genius.

  5. Ugh so with you. The title to every post involving this type of dress should be ADORBS DIY WEDDING DRESS FROM DRYER LINT!!!

  6. This would look beautiful on a plastic doll used to hide the spare toilet paper roll in an old lady's powder room in about 1986.

    1. OMG, that's exactly what it looks like....I forgot all about those, thankfully.

  7. so true. it's *okaayyyyy* to look at- interesting i guess. but on? consistently awful

  8. I'm going to put my snark on the line and say, I think this dress is beautiful. I think most dresses with petal skirts are beautiful. And I think plenty of brides could wear this and look breathtaking.

  9. I'm sorry but I love this dress LOL

  10. i'm also over down-comforter dresses as well. every version ever made sucks. so sucks.

    so ugly

    1. I LOVE down comforter dresses and saw many gorgeous brides in them. But they've had their heyday and it's time to shut the door on them (likewise to less attractive petal dresses).

  11. I love it sooo much.

  12. its true. i was a bridal consultant and tried it on (i could i not).

    no one. ever.

  13. Coffee + Blogging go hand-in-hand for me. Really, all work I do requires coffee. And I'm definitely tired of the furry dress.
    ♡ Lexi
    FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
    WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings

  14. Case in point: Kaley Cuoco totally rocking it at the SAG awards: Lovely!
