Tuesday, November 22, 2011


you have sooooooo many readers and so many important DIYZ to get up what with it being the tuesballz before t-giving.

can't i make fun of one little basket of DIY GLITTERED FLATWARE?

i mean.

(Lady Gaga poli by Nobuyoshi Araki via Design You Trust)

okay, so i made fun of the DIY BABY MASKS too. in my defense, they were total Creepsville.

p.s. i'm flattered, though somewhat unsettled, that you took the time to dig through the archives and track down my real name and shit.


  1. AHAHAHAHAHAHA I want to see the email SO BAD.
    <3nosypantses right here.

  2. If someone handed me a box of glitter utensils as a thank you inviting them over, they would sit in a corner of my kitchen for approximately six months before I'd get frustrated and throw them away.

    NO GIFT IS BETTER THAN A USELESS GIFT. You can SAY thank you or bring booze.

  3. Ha! Causing trouble. I saw that glittered flatware and was like, wtf, who wants glitter in their food? But not having a blog or a twitter, that's as far as it went.

  4. how thoughtful, they'd make great kindling for a great fire...now pass the booze.

  5. I want to glitter the living hell out of our wedding, but the FW says glitter is the herpes of the craft world. Le sigh.

  6. Also if a six year old niece did it I'd be faux-thrilled and think it was cute. If my late twenty-something/early thirty-something friends did it, I'd ask if they were out of things to do.

  7. FYI here is the email I sent that warranted the above response.

    Hi Laramie,

    I noticed traffic coming from your site and saw that you had tweeted something about a project one of my contributors had made (it appears to have since been deleted.) I know that you also wrote an unkind post last year at some point around Mother's Day.

    I work really hard on my blog and I don't understand why you would tear down something of someone who was sincerely trying to make good things and produce good work.


  8. Personally, I hate glitter. Actually, I hate ALL arts and crafts. I'd rather BUY than DIY. But... I like Oh Happy Day, especially little glimpses into life in Paris. So, I'ma play nice.

  9. It's glittered flatware.

    ESB, you're nothing if not irreverent. You're not even mean. Or rude. Just irreverent. The world needs Jordans AND ESBs, no? It's checks and balances. I also wouldn't describe ESBs tweet as "tearing down" (at least, not the one I read, there wasn't a second one, was there?) and Jordan, if you're reading this, I read your blog every day and enjoy it. I've seen some hate-filled rants on the interwebs (GOMI, anyone?) and ESBs comment was not even close to hate-filled.

    I think...I think if there can still be drama over stuff like glitter-glue utensils, then the world isn't in as dire trouble as we all think.

  10. @esb Does no one read the header?

    All the clicking through made me smile. I like smiling.

    Uber sensitivepantses make me smile.

  11. Alternately, when your job is the internets you should probably grow a thicker skin.

    (just checking to see if it's as stupid as it sounds. and yep, it is.)

    the crazypantses are out and about. WTH?

  13. Uh oh, someone stood up to Jordan! How dare you! She's probably grasping at this little drama to deflect any attention on that article she was recently quoted in where she basically blamed black people for gay marriage being banned, while simultaneously calling them 'scary'. Just refer to cjanes blog if you want to find the article.

  14. My name is Julie, and I have met Jordan...years ago....and she was the biggest bitch to me. I know plenty of people who know her and they all say the same thing, that if she can use you for something she will. I just don't think people like that need this big of a voice. I am so over her and her blog. Its not original content when its all coming from contributors and half of the posts are posts from other places.

    I can't believe she tweeted to you to respond to her stupid email (and with a stupid sarcastic emoticon...clearly trying to be a bully) and then reposted the email here. GO AWAY, Jordan. Maybe if you were nice to people, people would be nice to you.

    And the best part is I know you will read this. And if I was anywhere near you I would say this to your face.

  15. 1) ESB calls it like it is. If you can't handle a little light-hearted dissent, get off the internet.

    2) In that spirit, and in spite of what a silly idea glitter-flatware is, I gotta say I'd rather wake up to glitter-glue forks than the creepy BDSM image you've chosen. The line between 'fashion' and straight-up 'exploitative' is pretty fine. That image toes it for me. Seriously, are those bruises on her knees?

  16. Julie I am reading this. This thread makes me really sad. I am sorry if I was ever unkind to you. Please email me and I would love to discuss it with you.

    1. Jordan, if you didn't want all this drama, you shouldn't have responded to this post by posting the email you sent to ESB. If you had taken the high road, all of this would have blown over. And isn't traffic to your website-any kind of traffic-a good thing?


    Color me immature, but I do!

    Wait, is it too late to write "Glitter me immature?" It is? Dammit.

  18. is it even possible to exploit gaga at this point, anon 11:35? glitter me unconvinced.

  19. gaga to exploitation is like glitter to wooden cutlery. all over it.

  20. Jordan,

    I have emailed you before asking about letterpress and you never emailed me back.

    It's fine. I am not upset and I am not trying to make you sad. I think that you do have some great ideas, but good ideas isn't what matters. It's kindness.


  21. Ah, I see. It's lady gaga. Of course. Silly un gaga-educated me.

    @Anon 11:57 - ha! nice.

  22. @Julie: Email her. Then post it. With emoticons.

  23. Aww, this was fun until there were actually feelings. Let's not all be mean to Jordan, just because some of her ideas are not to our taste. Someone must be into glittery flatware or babyhead masks (Jordan obviously is). Straight forward critiques of projects we aren't into is one thing, personality attacks are another.

    And Jordan, this is the internet. You have opinions and express them, we do the same thing, and I don't think there is any reason to feel torn down or badly about those feelings. It'd be like if monkeys suddenly realized I think they're creepy and wrote me poetry to change my mind. Doesn't help.

  24. Wait, Julie, are you for real? The way in which Jordan was a total bitch to you is that she failed to respond to ONE EMAIL?

  25. ... I actually don't feel like "this is a bad idea, no?" is all that nasty of an observation. It certainly didn't sound like you were trying to start an internet blog war (and really, comparing this blog to Oh Happy Day is like comparing a strap-on to cotton candy)

  26. NH, no i've met her with friends for a day and she was a bitch and i brushed it off and emailed her years later and never received a response. I am not butt hurt and my life is fine without her as a friend. My point was she is not very nice to people (backed by her tweet to ESB).

  27. all of a sudden i have justin timberlake's "cry me a river" stuck in my head.

  28. Oooohhh the black people are
    scary quote is priceless!!!!

  29. @Alice your link doesn't work!

  30. @Celia... JT sang cry me a river?!

  31. @Kelly, if you google the link it'll show up.

  32. thanks!! i suck at the linking thing apparently

  33. i shouldn't have looked at the glitter utensils after looking at the "poop glitter" pills...i clicked over and thought, hey, look at those poop glitter utensils!!

  34. i'm confused. she's mad b/c you tweeted "maybe not a good idea"? am i missing something here? was there a previous, ruder tweet?

  35. Right-so she's demanding a response to an email she sent you, but doesn't have the courtesy to respond to people who are trying to utilize her business. Typical.
    I will say that I've met her too, and if you aren't up to her standard of 'cool', expect a snub.
    Is that what they teach at sister blogger conferences these days? I mean, church?

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Huh, I find the whole mormon lifestyle blogger thing super fascinating.

    And maybe because I don't actually read any DIY blogs and have the taste of a five year old, I actually like those glitter forks. Not in a basket and as a present (who brings a present apart from booze? don't come to my house please.) but I reckon it's a cute concept.

    Figured SOMEONE needed to like the glitterware amongst all the glitterdrama.

  38. shes def one of the blogs i read because i like the content ...but she seems like the most wicked bitch.

  39. HAHAHA @ sensitive sallys. christ, imagine how hard day to day life must be if a little tweet like that rocks your world.

    also- julie you are so butthurt.

  40. team! this is about glitter and DIY, not hearsay or the LDS. hate the craft, not the crafter.

  41. what the hell is a lifestyle blogger anyway?

    I'm not interested in any of these people's lifestyle. Its extremely narcissistic of them to post makeovers of their apartments and tell me where to buy things to be just like them. No thanks.

    Obviously there are people that are into it, but don't be super offended that everyone doesn't LOVE everything you post. Especially a harmless tweet that wasn't even rude in the first place.

  42. Am I the only one who had to figure out who the hell Jordan is?

  43. @kelly it's only one of the best songs ever written.

  44. Although slightly off topic, in regards to Jordan's comments in the Sister Blogger article. The reason people protested LDS churches after the passage of Prop 8 had less to do with the political make up of individual churches (or, I am guessing here, the blondness of the congregants) and more to do with the fact that the LDS political machine financed nearly THE WHOLE DAMN CAMPAIGN.


    -Just another gay keepin it real

  45. If you ask me, she should be thanking you for sending all the traffic to her site that tipped her off.
    Are all bloggers so neurotic that they check traffic sources and hunt down the reason? Kook.

    And I also think her tweet to you was bullying. What did she hope to gain by that? An apology and retraction? Pahaha.

  46. Also, if we're going to get technical here, re-read the email she sent. Why was she demanding a response when there were no questions posed?

    We're so sorry Jordan, all of your diy's are just amazing! Curse the independent thinker who believes otherwise!

  47. You see what Jordan wasn't counting on was THIS:


    Sorry Jordan, public records don't lie. Maybe you should retract your comments about blacks supporting the bill and look into your own bank account.
    For those who are unaware: Jordan Ferney is also Jordan Stanley.

  48. @anon 5:28: wow...i really, really hate to make it about religion or whatever but this really makes me view her in a new light. + the comments in that sister blogger article. fucked. up.

  49. Wow. FB does confirm Stanley as her maiden name. That's pretty fucked up.

  50. Excellent sleuthing @anon 5:28! Let's see what her response is to that one...

  51. gross. removing her from my reader.

  52. ... Glad I'm not the only one that thought that the pic (gaga or not, who gives a shit who it is!?) was bizarre, even for ESB. - referencing Anon 11:35. Whatever you do in your bedroom is your business, but when fashion and violence meet, all bets are off.

    And, FWIW, this is getting a little too "the Knot" in spirit around here, what with all the googling and personal information revealing. It's just f*n glitter.

  53. Whoa! Holy shit. I love how glitter just got political quick. Good on ya 5:28... that be some quality investigative journalism. And it all comes back to marriage equality. LOVE IT!

  54. I've almost never deleted a blog from my feed but I did delete Oh Happy Day many months ago not because of DIY flatware (cheap and silly) but because it reeked of plastic. Insincere and pretty on the outside works for some but I come to blogs for individuality (which means I would actually respect Jordan more if she acknowledged her religion more overtly) and not just a beautiful picture of fake life where everything is lovely and we all live in Paris and make crafts and have nary a trouble in the world. And the fact that she took the time to follow this thread and more importantly initiated the conversation - yipes lady, get a Life (as in Lifestyle).

  55. Whoa. Nice work on the investigative reporting. Who knew glitter forks held so much drama. Shit just got real.

  56. I feel like I'm overhearing a sleepover and it's time to make everyone popcorn and hot chocolate.

  57. Ugh. She donated money in support of Prop 8. I am deleting her blog from my bookmarks toute de suite (see what I did there?).


  58. Re: Jordan's "Sister Bloggers" comment, I feel like this is worth a watch: http://www.racialicious.com/2011/11/18/jay-smooths-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-learned-to-love-talking-about-race/

  59. uh... she gave money to help ban gay marriage = LAME.

    not impressed. at. all.

    Jordan - why do you hate gay people? (and black people?)

  60. Wow, East Side Bride. Sounds like you're feeling pretty confident that karma loves you. Makes me wonder what sort of lists your name is on. I have no idea who you are, but it's an easy bet that some sort very public and very embarrassing unveiling is headed your way.

    Good luck with that.

  61. "I think that you do have some great ideas, but good ideas isn't what matters. It's kindness. -Julie"

    Ummm. Julie, nice quote. Would you say your comments about Jordan were kind?

  62. what i'm most bothered by is that her comments in that sister bloggers article made it sound as though she was NOT in support of prop 8, when she clearly was. it's one thing to not want to reveal your personal political leanings to your readership.. i get that. and i do respect the fact that we don't have to agree on this issue (even though her opinion supporting it is wrong - ha). but i feel like she straight up lied in the interest of trying to look good and i can't respect somebody who does that. just shady shit.

    i'm removing her from my google reader too. i'm sure many other readers of hers would do the same if directed to this thread.

  63. @Mandy WTFuck?
    Lucky ESB is a grown up lady who tolerates differences of opinion. If you had posted threats like that on Jordan's site they would have been deleted.

  64. I'm liberal and have voted that way since my early 20's. Prop 8 was a crazy time for a liberal Mormon and after wrestling with the topic for weeks I made a decision to side with my religion. I wasn't secretive about this and discussed it openly. The situation was (and is) complex. Readers are welcome to come and go as they please but I hope that it isn't because they think I've been dishonest about my political views.

    1. Sometimes, "religion" does bad things. When that happens, you have to do what's right.

  65. @Catherine
    Is is really possible to threaten someone with karma?

    ESB is welcome to trash the comment. But c'mon. You don't think her post is inviting super bad vibes into her life?

  66. Holy crazy glitter fight batman.

    Firstly, esb has said one or two borderline mean things over the years, 'this is a bad idea' really isn't one of them. Neither is 'this is creepy'. I mean really, come on now, let's be sensible.

    Actually that's all I've got, the other stuff is all crazypants. Which, btw, I'd like to point out -> readers, NOT esb.

  67. i think esb is an equal-opportunity skeptic, mandy, and i've always loved that about her. all disciplines need critics, even and perhaps especially the event-planning / DIY / wedding industry; in the absence of them we get thoughtless and bad design, and no one wins there.

    no one wins on the personal-attack front, either; i lost a lot of respect for jordan when i learned upthread that she supported prop 8, but i'm not going to call her a shady bitch (a public contribution is hardly cloak-and-dagger political support, and even if it was, this discussion isn't about that). our country is suicidally gridlocked because we make our ideological opponents monsters instead of dealing with the problems at hand, and it sucks. don't make esb shrill and useless as well, team.

  68. @cara

    You don't think it was crazypants of ESB to write this post? Dude. It was total crazypants. She was clearly in the mood for a fight.

    No post -> no crazypants comments.

  69. I'm with Lauren. 100%.

    I can't believe this all has erupted out of some skepticism over GLITTERY CUTLERY. I truly know that ESB did not intend for all of this craziness to come out of her off the cuff comment in regards to a silly DIY project on the internet. She really was just being silly and talkin' 'bout glitter poop.

  70. @lauren

    I just don't buy ESBs innocence or non-responsibility in all this. If she doesn't want her site to become shrill and useless she can delete any comments she wants or take down the whole post. Like I just commented to @cara -

    no post -> no crazypants comments

  71. @Mandy,

    I think a lot of what esb writes is crazypants, that's why I love her. Her fight was about flatware (mildly antagonistic, totally amusing), not religion or politics or whether or not Jordan is mean. The comments brought that shit.

  72. @Mandy

    although yes, she could have deleted them. Her choice not to is hers and I don't know whether I agree with it or not. All I'm saying is that she didn't *make* it personal.

  73. Still not buying it, @cara. The title, "C'mon Jordan" was not about flatware.

    Look, whatever. You're right of course, ESB writes lots of crazypants stuff. But how often does she specifically make fun of other bloggers and their work? ESB said she made fun of Jordan twice. Anyone else that she's attacked multiple times or does she just have a chip on her shoulder about Jordan?

    In what way is ESB's post NOT out of line?

  74. @Naurnie

    If ESB "did not intend for all of this craziness to come out of her off the cuff comment" she could have stopped it at anytime.

    No doubt she's enjoying a nice big jump in traffic. (I myself have been to her site more than I would normally come in a month.) Otherwise, what reason would she have to leave up the post:

  75. @Mandy, personally I fail to see that making fun of a craft project = an attack. I don't see that writing a post about whether or not you're allowed to make fun on a craft project is an attack either.

  76. @cara

    I guess we disagree on this. I just re-read the post and had the same impression I had the first time I read it: Why in the world is ESB attacking Oh Happy Day?

    I don't think it's okay. And I don't think it helps ESB to pretend this post is typical of her blog.

  77. @mandy

    This thread has gone way beyond glitterforks, in part because the post itself began as a response to Jordan Ferney's public twitter demand/request for it.

    What began as a incredibly mild criticism of a craft project took on a weirdly personal dimension because of jf's decision to call esb out publicly. And again, if jf doesn't jump onto the comment thread to publish the email she'd previously sent esb (not following the form of the blog in which esb is esb and not laramie), I really do not think the commentators would have begun psychoanalyzing jf or doing pretty intense investigations about her politics. The crazypantsness of this thread has a lot to do with jf's handling of it--and it's not esb's job to protect jf from her decision to engage with the commentariat at a site entitled "an evil club mean hipster brides."

  78. @circus bride

    I haven't ever implied that Jordan's response wasn't crazypants too. But I do not understand how anyone is acting like ESB isn't responsible for her own platform.

    The comments implying people are shocked that that conversation has derailed should be directly targeted at ESB. If she didn't like the conversation, she wouldn't keep it up. Her blog, her responsibility.

    I'd still love to know: Does ESB make fun of lots of specific bloggers or just Jordan? I haven't been reading long enough to know if it's a pattern.


  80. @LPC

    Good to know. In a quick glance threw her recent posts, I saw lots of general snarkiness, but I didn't see any mocking of specific projects of specific bloggers, except Jordan, of course.

    Do they have some history or something? Why does she hate Jordan?

  81. @mandy why do you care? esb calls out the ridiculous, indiscriminately. jordan has happened to post ridic crafts at least twice, and was thus called out. you are taking it really personally.

    I can tell you what is a pattern - you commenting LOADS on a blog you apparently think isn't policed well enough, go away.

  82. @Mandy I don't think she HATES Jordan.... such a strong overused word that HATE. Out of how ever many crafts Jordan posts on a blog that mostly trades in DIY activities... making TWO comments that mostly amount to "not my most favourite crafts" isn't HATE.

    Also the subhead of THIS blog is "an evil club of mean hipster brides"... nough said

  83. Ummmm @Fiona, ESB didn't post the email from Jordan. The email was nice and wouldn't have made her readers laugh.

    Jordan posted the email. And I'm betting ESB was not happy that she posted it. And I read Jordan's tweet too. It wasn't rude either.

    From what I can tell, ESB tweeted something not nice about the glitterware. Instead of ignoring it, Jordan emailed her and sent a tweet. And then ESB put up this post.

    Am I really the only one that sees this post as aggressive and rude?

    ESB, please tell us, did Jordan snub you at a conference or something? What in the world warranted this post? What's the back story here?

  84. 'did Jordan snub you at a conference or something?'

    well that was the funniest thing in this comment threads since 'glitter is the herpes of the craft world.'

  85. @anon 6:58

    You're right. I'm not a regular commenter here and probably shouldn't care so much. But I do not get where ESB draws her snarky lines. I've seen her make fun of lots of things from big anonymous brands (J. Crew). But the only blogger in the wedding/party community she seems to attack is Jordan.

    I'm happy to leave if I'm not welcome.

  86. "I don't think it's okay. And I don't think it helps ESB to pretend this post is typical of her blog."--Mandy, 6:32

    "Does ESB make fun of lots of specific bloggers or just Jordan? I haven't been reading long enough to know if it's a pattern."--Mandy, 6:42

    First, you were arguing against the post itself, then the criticism shifted to esb not bringing down the banhammer in the comment thread; now, it's about sussing out a personal vendetta. the discrepancy in your posts makes me think you're not arguing in good faith here.

    Again, the critique of the glitterforks was not a initially a blogpost. The post was a response to Jordan's reaction: Jordan asked for a response (or more likely a public apology). That's what warranted it.

    In terms of staying or leaving, your main interest here seems to be in criticizing esb's treatment of Jordan. Since Oh Happy Day is mentioned on this blog, what, twice a year? it may not compel you. But yes, by all means, prepare yourself to perform the good old flounce.

  87. @Mandy so your beef is that she didn't like two crafts that a pre-school teacher would use to keep kids occupied for an hour? Why such the staunch support for Jordan, or "big anonymous brands?"

    What the hell kind of world is this that someone can't like a pre-school craft and publicly say so without people jumping down her throat? Is Jordan whatshername really that sacred that no one can say "eh not so much?"

  88. Hey, I really am going. Sorry for any offense. Have a happy Thanksgiving.

    Wait. One last thing. I don't know what this means: "perform the good old flounce."

  89. Oh man, there's a point at which glitter fights stop being porny, magical dream sequences and start being totally uncomfortable.

    What I hate about this whole thing is the idea that "of course" ESB feels XYZ about a certain thing. What seems totally clear is that she found the glitter flatware project ridiculous, and that the blogger who originated the idea got mad offended that anyone would laugh at her steez. And then shit glittersploded.

    So much of this thread is totally inappropriate - the personal attacks on JF's politics, which, fucked up as they are, really have nothing to do with DIY flatware. The demands for public apologies from JF to ESB? Ridiculous. Mandy, your comments on almost everything? Ridiculous.

    Even if ESB had some sort of bone to pick with Oh Happy Day, she's done a good job of keeping her personal feelings out of it, and paid attention only to the projects. There's nothing wrong with saying something is silly - it's not a personal attack or a campaign against a blogger. Nobody has a 100% homerun record, and it seems like ESB enjoys taking the piss out of the (few) projects that strike out. She's never dinged JF for personal politics, and her only comment on this thread, aside from all the readers speaking for her, was to correct a broken link.

  90. My poop glitters and sparkles without special flatware. It isn't the same for women? that sucks.

  91. ESB - are you finding this hilarious? Because I am.

    oh my GOD you guys. UGH.

    so out of hand.

  92. ESB leaves the nasty comments peoe direct at HER up- why should this be any different?

  93. The only connection I can make is that Jordan writes a blog for Real Simple, and Mandy IS real simple.

  94. glitter = powderkeg

  95. All of this over glitter-strewn cutlery? Crikey. Imagine the response if the post had been about sequin-encrusted cake-stands...

  96. "Imagine the response if the post had been about sequin-encrusted cake-stands..."

    Imagine the response if ESB had some something, you know, ACTUALLY mean or rude instead of making a pithy observation that clearly is echoed by a handful of other commenters on Jordan's blog.

    I really, really am confused by all of this. But I'm laughing. So it's all good.

  97. Whoops-to clarify, I must have been thinking of reading the original baby masks post on OHD yesterday, where about half the commenters actually used the word "creepy" to describe the masks. Which they were.

  98. This thread is giving a whole new meaning to the idea of glitter bombing.

  99. As a loyal reader of Oh Happy Day, I had never heard of ESB until yesterday, when Jordan's tweet sent me directly to this space.
    I saw Jordan bully someone else with a tweet a week or so ago when the woman made a remark about paying tithing.
    She required an email explanation from that woman as well.

    Are we seeing a pattern here? It seems that if you have a different opinion than Jordan, you are not allowed to express it, without a written explanation to her.

    Another part of the story here is that I had read the article in which Jordan was quoted on Monday, and while I understand being misquoted in an article, I'm having a hard time finding a positive spin on Jordan's portion of the piece.
    Couple that with her donation to Prop 8, and I'm sorry Jordan, I probably don't matter much to you, but you've lost another reader.

    You see, I take less issue with you donating to the cause and owning up to it, than I do with your comment about 'voting the same way as the people protesting outside' your church. Because we now know that was a lie.
    So I'm glad that as a liberal, you "wrestled for weeks" over gay marriage before siding with your church, but the real issue at hand is the way you throw your weight around on the internet. I think it's clear to those of us who are thinking critically about it: ESB stated an opinion, and it wasn't hateful or mean. It was an opinion and there are many people out there who share that opinion.

  100. This makes me want lots of glitter. And booze. And Gaga. (And more ESB snark.)

  101. Here's the thing. When an blogger is making money from their blog, they are a business, and they have to take all of the things that go a long with owning a businesses, including criticism. But to me, the real issue here is that every time I have clicked onto OHD, I have essentially given money to a person that in turn gives money in support of something I loath. This upsets me, and I don't plan on visiting that blog in the future. No this has nothing to do with the glitter forks, but I am glad that it has made itself known.

  102. I was really hoping this would turn out to be an "ESB READERS" vs "OHHAPPYDAY READERS" brawl. Seems it only turned out to be ESB readers vs. the owner of the other blog.

    What does that tell you? We stand up for our girl, yours are too busy masturbating to glittery forks to care.


  103. I'd love to have 250 big ones to throw at a cause- Either this bigot is banking WAY too much from her preschool crafts and mindless readers- or she REALLY supports the cause of the smallminded. Like REALLY, really.

    And she brought this on herself with her disastrous foot in mouth month thus far.

    What will you think of next- paper chains??

  104. Oh my. I think we can safely say with certainty that DIY glittered flatware is a VERY BAD IDEA INDEED.

  105. i have an idea of who is having The Best Week Ever!

  106. 60 comments when I went to bed. 115+ now. Why'd I bother going to sleep?

  107. @halfpint me too!

    My opinions on this include: Mandy should go away, esb rocks and all this talk of flatware makes me hungry.

  108. heart esb's blunt say it like it is attitude, always.

    @Mandy, that is, if you're still lurking around esb blog, you seem to be the one wearing the crazypants.

    Just sayin.
    Glitter what?

  109. Wow-- that black church comment in the "Sister Bloggers" article was just hateful. I'm completely offended.

  110. OH MY GOD I JUST CAUGHT UP ON THIS. I need whiskey and a nap.

  111. You guys, this comment thread was totally amazing.

    I always got a nasty vibe from Oh Happy Day. It was too... happy? Too simple? Too gleamingly scrubbed? Some of the projects are really nice, some involve the ingestion of fragments of glue and glitter.

    I treasure ESB. And I treasure this comment thread. GLITTERFIGHT, Y'ALL!

  112. I am pissing myself laughing and I will never look at glitter in the same way.

  113. This is amazing and made my day. Oh Happy Day is boring and no one wants glitter in their food.

    (No one wants to eat with wooden forks either for that matter)

  114. Jordan if you're reading this, and I know you are, you've been deleted from my bookmarks too. You got in over your head on this one, girl.

  115. Whoa, I just spent the past hour being sucked into this crazy wormhole- first the entire thread on the Sister Bloggers article, and now this one. I can't tell if it's just schadenfreude or what, but somehow it's riveting watching this Jordan person get taken down. I never really cared for her blog either way, but her responses to the comments on the other thread made me feel icky.
    I know it must suck to feel attacked, or backed into a corner, but damn, talk about digging a deeper hole for oneself. She comes off as so aggressively insecure it makes me depressed.

  116. Jesus Christ, Jordan's not a fucking celebrity or the Queen. She can have a bad day. She can NOT like you. She is allowed to be cranky.

    So DIY glittered flatware is a little bit useless, it's not OFFENSIVE or worth tearing down a human being?

    Holy hell, sometimes ESB becomes a roundtable just like A Practical Wedding - if ESB doesn't like something, that doesn't mean you have to grab a torch. If Jordan didn't offend you personally, then calm the fuck down.

    This is WHAT ESB does. She makes a mockery out of the DIY, wedding world - while also giving you some pretty rad advice along the way. You have to remember what Jordan does. She gives you pretty, hands-on-y-nes

  117. I somehow missed this. I deleted OHD from my reader a couple months ago, because like others, I started getting a negative vibe. You can bully people on your own site, but it's going to get around.

    The thing which Jordan has to explain away is her racist statements and misrepresentation of her political views. Political views of the blogs that I follow do matter to me, because like someone else mentioned, it's a business and I support that business with my clicks.

    It doesn't matter how much glitter you through over those kind of statements. They are still sickening.

  118. overall the post comments have a really negative tone but it really was just about glitter forks. this thread really has shed light on OHD though. i am third generation liberal LDS and there is siding with the church and siding with your conscious. i think it's false that she says she wrestled with the choice for weeks. supporting a ban on gay marriage clearly means you value your family over another's. so sad and close minded. i will have to fine another source for my diy projects.

  119. I met Jordan at ALT, and trust me, she lived up to the reputation I had heard about. She came of so bitchy and snobby. If her life is so perfect like how she selectively portrays on OHD, then why the need to be a bitch. Sorry Jordan, but you are, lighten up.....and drop the racist perception of black people. I have never found them to be scary. Bill Cosby, a REAL scary guy.

  120. Bill Cosby raped me, just like these comments raped my soul.

  121. More than two years later I am here to say: I hope Jordan Ferneys little boys don´t turn out to be gay. Because if they want to marry, Mom will not contribute a 3-tire cake with rainbow sprinkles and sew rainbow bunting or toss out the multicolored confetti. No. She will pray for him to overcome his bad lifestyle choice. Poor boy.
