Mkay. You guys may be aware that I'm b o r e d with phrases like "my dears," "eye candy," and "pop of color" (godhelpus) that get repeated ad nauseum all over the place.* I understand how it happens. We read a lot of the same blogs.** We repost photos. Why not recycle phrases too? Because. Make up your own.
On the other hand... There are a bunch of weird little words that I use. Where did I get them? Am I stealing them? For example, BWAHA, my new favorite twitter response to something funny. Where the f* did that come from?
I love obv. (Obv.) Pretty sure I started that one after I heard Episode 153 of Uhh Yeah Dude. (Download here, and skip ahead to 49:17 if you must.)
And then there's "lub," which is spreading like wildfire. But that one's Amanda's, just so you know.
Image via Yimmy's Yayo
*I suspect we can blame Joanna for starting the "my dears" trend. But Garance is not helping things any.
**Let's face it, we all read A CUP OF JO.
Lub you. Obv.
ReplyDeletehere's what i think. you have to give credit where credit is due. imagine if i started using MKAY* without asking you? CREEPY. it's never cool to be a poser. it's like that girl that came to school one day wearing a vintage rainbow ski jacket, when I WAS ALREADY the vintage rainbow ski jacket girl. AND that girl just so happened to be your boyfriend's twin brother's girlfriend!! OH NO SHE DI'INT!
ReplyDelete*i'm not even sure i'm really going to use "mkay". it's so YOU and i think it should stay that way. same with lub and amanda.
*on that note, let's be clear that i started "poop soup" over on peonies.
it's so sweet of you to think of ME and not Mr. Mackey.
ReplyDelete"poop soup" is the best.
ReplyDelete"pops of colour" has to die though.
if you get to take obv.... then dibs on jelly
ReplyDeletedon't be. jelly, that is.
Dibs on "fucktard" & "twatwaffle".
Oh-so-whatever (f*ck me).
true. true. stealing photos is way less weird than stealing someone's "voice"...
ReplyDeletep.s. i love the footnotes you use. but i won't steal them!
Re. pop of colour, I'm so glad to hear this is blogslang. I just thought it was an American phrase.
ReplyDeleteSorry, my American friends, I should have known better. Pop of colour makes me want to puke.
I'm pretty sure we can blame pop of color on The Sartorialist.
ReplyDeletemmkay? it's totally yours. and the bwahaha.
ReplyDeletei don't even think i HAVE catchphrases yet. i am ok with this.
sometimes i read old entries of mine and laugh at my blogspeak. ah well.
ReplyDeleteand wasn't pop of color of a project runway thing that migrated to blogland?
I would like to take "sneak peek" on a long drive down a country lane and leave it there, along with its misshapen twin, "sneak peak."
ReplyDeleteI hope "sneak peek" doesn't find it's way back home.
ReplyDeleteI know I can't claim -ish but I'd like to be it's seroget mother.
"my dears" usually makes me want to vom, but i feel like joanna can get away with it because her parents are british, or something. only brits can get away with saying my dears, or my lovelies without getting slapped in the face.
ReplyDeleteps. I'm totally with Meg on "swoon-worthy," despite the fact that I have a blog called Swoon. So if anyone ever reads it and sees me use the phrases *swoon!* or *swoon-worthy,* please slap me in the face. thanx.
ReplyDeleteSayings I love, but feel like a bad girl blogger for using include "Haterade," and "Free 99."
ReplyDeleteAs for "my darlings" or "darling," Joanna can do no wrong... but I'm with Giovanna and get the chills when anyone else uses it. Your not my WASP Grandma! Don't darling me!
BWAHA for me, is usually followed up with a long string of hahahahahahahaa's to the end of it. I have to be enthusiastic about my burst of laughter, ya dig?
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I go from Cup of Jo to East Side Bride daily - and I am not ashamed in the least. I LU BOTH!
I think a lot of these devices just float about. Someone took my thing*, but I probably took it from somewhere else, so whatever. Language works that way.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, I vote for giving credit when using a clearly new, made-up thing like "Lub."
And I vote for getting rid of "___-chic." NOT EVERYTHING IS CHIC, dammit. And while we're at it, let's also proofread. Ha ha. "Sneak peak" indeed.
* This one.
at the risk of being a hater, i think baby talk has got to go; i cringe every time i read a blog post by an adult, educated woman who sounds like she's posting as her cat. when did self-infantilizing become trendy?
ReplyDeleterule of thumb: if you haven't had sex with or given birth to someone, they don't want to hear your goo-goo talk. playing with language is great (english is flexible, and hooray for that); baby talk is RIGHT OUT.
photogs.... enough said
ReplyDeletei'm a culprit of both "my dears" and "photogs." (the latter, just because i'm a lazy ass.)
ReplyDeleteNo bloggy slang started by me yet. Sad Day. But I do like to write in parentheses a lot (kind of like so).
ReplyDeletei can't believe no one has mentioned "delicious" or yummy! to describe pretty much anything other than food....i guess its not slang but it is overused and ridiculous
ReplyDeleteseeing that "my dears" is like nails on a chalkboard to me. i also hate when people refer to their significant other as "the boy" or state that they are "loving something." also, after the jump. seriously?
ReplyDeleteI seriously have to stop saying "lovely". In fact, I think I just used it in my last comment here. It's a horrible affliction, and the only cure is